The Space
Talking about space, from the poetic point of view, has to do with a personal cosmos, with a sensory  world, in which Light and Scale, as fundamental aspects, generate the centers of gravity associated  with human sensations.
When we say of someone who "has such a personality ..., or simply who has a personality", we are  referring to a set of individual characteristics that make that person different and that we can value in  one way or another;
"There is more difference between a man and another man than between two animals of different  species"

                                                                 Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592)

The same happens with spaces, they can transmit us a world of different sensations, with the advantage that we can create or manipulate them with sensitivity to express what we are valuing. It is not necessary to be a scholar to perceive these things, just let yourself be surprised and fly beyond the conventionality.
 "Architecture must speak of the forces of humanity and assume the responsibility of bringing Inspiration to our lives and at the same time protection.  "When I saw the light coming from the oculus of the Pantheon in Rome, I knew that I wanted to be an architect, I knew that architecture could be a creative force, that a building represented more than just protection against inclement weather. That brought me to a level of higher thinking. "
Tadao Ando (b.1941)