
As with the rest of the architectural imaginary, we are also going to expand and reinterpret the "Material" concept. For us the material can be physical or sensory; So we are going to consider water, wind and its circulation, sounds, light ... as material, understanding that they are all part of the total creation and that together with space and form they constitute architecture as a whole. Of all of them, Light is undoubtedly the most influential as it changes the perception of spaces and is variable in color, intensity, directionality, origin (natural or artificial), etc ... Light can transform a space in a radical way.

The other material, sensory par excellence, is water, as it can produce sound or emphasize silence; movement or absolute stillness; being a climate regulator, generator of reflections and visual effects, even providing meanings beyond its mere physical state. So, more important than the material itself, it is about what each material is capable of transmitting to us and in this way learning to use them together to create a sensory world.
“Every day I look in the mirror and ask myself: "If today was the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am going to do today? If the answer is" no "for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something. . "
Steve Jobs (1955-2011)